Basic Electrical Systems and Electrical Safety
- • Basic Electricity
- → Capacitors and Inductors
- → Conductors and Insulators
- → Electrical Terms and Definition
- → Ohm’s Law, Series and Parallel connection
- → AC and DC Principles
- → Reading Electrical diagrams
- • Cables and Wiring
- → Types of Cables and wiring
- → Termination and jointing of cables
- → Working with Site Plans and Symbols
- → Lighting circuits
- → Use of Conventional chokes & Electronic chokes in tube light circuits
- • Measuring Instruments
- → Using: Multimeter, Meger, Energy meter, CT’s
- • L. V. Switchgear
- → Knowledge on Push Buttons, Limit switches, Contactors, Bi metal Relays, Fuses, MCB, ELCB.
- • Magnetism and Electro magnetism, Single phase and polyphase system
- • Introduction to transformers
- • Introduction to motors
- • Electrical Safety
- → Electrical hazards & Control
- → Common cause of electrical accidents
- → Electrical fires and prevention measures
- → Earthing
- → Lighting and Serge protection
- → Standards of Electrical Safety
- → Selection of Electrical equipment for hazardous area
- → Preventive maintenance